Bedrosian Rugs

Bedrosian Rugs New YorkBedrosian Rugs New York

Bedrosian Rugs is a 90 year old company providing rug cleaning, rug hand washing, reweaving, fringe end replacement and mending of all types.  Company also provides carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning and upholstery cleaning for residential and commercial customers.

This company even does silk rug cleaning. This is a very special company that offers special treatment for those expensive rugs.

Bedrosian Rugs mobile carpet cleaning vehicles are equipped with the latest in self powered hot water extraction systems. We carry our own fresh water. Soil and dirt are removed back to our vehicle and taken with us. We make every effort to keep your home free of unnecessary noise and disruption.

Carpet cleaning and rug cleaning in New York and New Jersey.

Visit their website to learn more.